Video AI Summary Meet Help Desk Chat Messaging: Save Precious Minutes Explaining Your Trouble Ticket in a Live Chat Window

Video AI Summary Meet Help Desk Chat Messaging: Save Precious Minutes Explaining Your Trouble Ticket in a Live Chat Window

November 07, 20232 min read

Ever tried to type out the mess of a tech problem you're having to a customer service chatbot? Your fingers can't fly fast enough, and honestly, your coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Today, I realized that you can use the Loom video summary to shave a couple of minutes of typing "Explain your issue" in a help desk chat window.

You know the drill. You're knee-deep in a tech pickle, and the help desk is your only way out. But there's a problem – your issue is as complex as your aunt's recipe for lasagna and just as hard to explain in words. So, you start typing... and typing... and backspacing because autocorrect thinks you're talking about "ducks" and not "discs."

But what if your fingers could take a breather? Imagine this: You shoot a quick screenshot video with Loom, talking through the digital debacle ruining your day. You're not worried about typos, your tone's not lost in translation, and let's be real, you kind of enjoy the sound of your own voice.

But then, instead of just copying and pasting the video link into the chat window, you paste this succinct masterpiece into the chat window. The help desk bot/person reads it. Understands it. And get this – actually helps you. Suddenly, "Please hold, your call is important to us" turns into "Problem solved. Enjoy your day!" And just like that, your fingers can snap a victory salute instead of tap-dancing on the keyboard.

I can see how, in the future, other companies will have a "Click here to record your audio/video troubleshoot issue" and that troubleshooting summary will then be created from the recorded file, but until then, using Loom to quickly summarize your help desk chat texting might be a good transition option.

So grab that Loom link, let AI do the heavy lifting summarizing your issue, and watch your help desk interactions transform from typing tests into triumphs. It's not just about saving a few minutes of typing – it's about smoothing out the wrinkles in a process that too often feels like putting on a wet bathing suit. Dry off, my friends. The future of customer service is here, and it's surprisingly concise.

p.s. I am not a Loom affiliate, just love the tool

Marco Seabra is a seasoned entrepreneur and business consultant with extensive experience in Business Process Engineering. 

He is the founder and owner of Workestrate, a Fractional Salesforce support firm.

With a CRM focus on Salesforce, Microsoft CRM Dynamics, and One Inbox, Marco has helped numerous industries improve their revenue growth and operational efficiency by designing and deploying CRM solutions for the telecom, broadband, SaaS, food franchise, and manufacturing industries, to name a few.

Marco lives in Blue Springs, Missouri, with his wife, Melissa.

Marco Seabra

Marco Seabra is a seasoned entrepreneur and business consultant with extensive experience in Business Process Engineering. He is the founder and owner of Workestrate, a Fractional Salesforce support firm. With a CRM focus on Salesforce, Microsoft CRM Dynamics, and One Inbox, Marco has helped numerous industries improve their revenue growth and operational efficiency by designing and deploying CRM solutions for the telecom, broadband, SaaS, food franchise, and manufacturing industries, to name a few. Marco lives in Blue Springs, Missouri, with his wife, Melissa.

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